Many steps towards a just transformation are required to embed the concepts of justice and social inclusion within ESIA and particularly to ensure follow-up of its recommendations. Project-level baseline data gathering and transferring these data into meaningful performance indicators requires attention EARLY, i.e., during ESIA preparation, to be able to set-up post-ESIA monitoring and auditing for sustainable projects.
The aims of this course, therefore, are to: improve understanding of the roles and responsibilities for environmental and social monitoring and auditing processes; explain how to set up systematic, robust systems of monitoring and compliance auditing; facilitate adoption of adaptive management using the data obtained during monitoring and auditing; and show how managers, companies, governments, finance institutions, etc., will use such information. Three facilitators will offer lectures and case studies, stimulate discussions, and activate group work. Participants’ learning outcomes of the course will be to:
Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Prerequisites: Participants must have knowledge of the ESIA process including the formulation of Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) and some experience with project monitoring or auditing.
Language: English
Duration: 2 days (22-23 April)
Min/Max: 10-35
Price: US $480
Bryony Walmsley, Director, SAIEA (South Africa)
Defne Arisoy, Consultant, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (Turkiye)
Charlotte Bingham, EIA practitioner (USA)
Bryony Walmsley
Bryony has 43 years of experience in environmental consulting, starting in Canada in 1980. She has lived and worked in southern Africa since 1983. After 24 years as an EA consultant, she now specialises in capacity building and training, development of reference materials, external review of large projects, environmental compliance auditing and development and research of environmental tools. She has developed and conducted many training courses for a wide variety of clients, including the World Bank, UNDP, many African governments, IAIA (CBBIA project), and other private clients. She has presented 8 courses on four different topics at annual IAIA conferences.
Defne Arisoy
Defne has 25 years of general experience in EIA/ESIA preparation, management, monitoring, and auditing in infrastructure projects. She presented some lectures at the local, well-known universities as a guest lecturer. She managed the E&S studies of Renewable Energy Investments of Neo Themis in Sub-saharan Africa, worked as an Individual Consultant in IFI-funded Railway Projects of the MoTI, in Turkiye and, recently, is managing the Sustainability Department of Kalyon Enerji. She was one of the trainers in IAIA19 and IAIA22.
Charlotte Bingham
Charlotte has more than 45 years of experience in ESIA, starting in the US in 1977. For 18 years she prepared EAs for US and international infrastructure projects as part of a multi-disciplinary team and managed these teams for an A&E consulting firm. From 1994 through 2010, she administered EA processes and conducted EA review with USAID (Senior Regional Advisor at regional office in Nairobi), the World Bank (Africa Safeguards Coordinator and Lead Environmental Specialist) and the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC Senior Director and Practice Leader). As a consultant from 2010 through the present, she provides technical assistance on Involuntary Resettlement as well as ESIA and has served on expert panels.