IAIA24 Sessions

Session Formats Explained

  • A Regional Environmental Assessment Approach to Assist Decarbonization


    Session Proposal ID 207

    Lead Chair: Becky  Hitchin

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T8. Decarbonizing the energy sector

    Industry-led, voluntary, regional assessments allow strategic understanding of projects from development of baselines to monitoring. This session discusses how a similar approach could be used for offshore energy to complement existing plan-level assessment through SEA, and allow more rigorous monitoring of impacts.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Accountability, impact assessment and their capacity to transform projects


    Session Proposal ID 239

    Lead Chair: Victoria   Marquez Mees

    Session Format: World Café  |  Accepts Submissions: Closed

    Conference Topic: T1. The role of impact assessment in a Just Transformation

    Development finance relies on impact assessment to prevent harm. However, community complaints show that current practices are not addressing the impacts longer time horizon limiting communities' capacity to make informed decisions on their future. Accountability mechanisms and experts will discuss the future of ESIA through the lens of accountability.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Addressing mining impacts driven by an energy transition for climate action


    Session Proposal ID 210

    Lead Chair: Laura  Sonter |  CoChair:  Luis Sanchez

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only

    Conference Topic: T8. Decarbonizing the energy sector

    Plans and policies for decarbonisation must address the prospective environmental and social impacts of mining the 3 billion tonnes of energy transition minerals needed to build renewable energy infrastructure by 2050.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • AI supported transformation of collecting & processing biodiversity data


    Session Proposal ID 167

    Lead Chair: Alexandra  Jiricka-Purrer |  CoChair:  Birthe Uhlhorn

    Session Format: Workshop  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T6. Protecting biodiversity: Enhancing baseline and monitoring mechanisms for nature-based solutions

    AI will change EA practice – but are we ready for it? A call for discussion based on developments in collecting and processing biodiversity data. In an interdisciplinary workshop we aim at discussing the implications of AI for EA, linking advances from the perspective of biological sciences to environmental assessment.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Anishinaabe Law: Harmonization & the Role of UNDRIP


    Session Proposal ID 128

    Lead Chair: Sadiq  Somia |  CoChair:  Kakeway George

    Session Format: Panel discussion  |  Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only

    Conference Topic: G11. Indigenous peoples

    Speaking to Indigenous-led assessments and operationalizing of Indigenous laws, this session will speak to the role of UNDRIP and ask the tough question: Is UNDRIP preventing revival of Indigenous laws and what are the opportunities and challenges in this context to ensure a just, true, and respectful transformation for IA?


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Asian S3EA: Strategic, Spatial and Sustainable EA


    Session Proposal ID 127

    Lead Chair: Myungjin  Kim |  CoChair:  Takehiko Murayama

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: G14. General impact assessment

    The advancement of remote sensing technology and information technology, spatial analysis with a variety of environmental, social and economic items received a big attention. This session will focus on IA examples which support the strategic decision including SEA and utilized the well-organized spatial scale analysis for achieving


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Benefit-sharing for a fair and just transformation.


    Session Proposal ID 265

    Lead Chair: Carlos  Perez Brito

    Session Format: Panel discussion  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T3. From Just Transition to Just Transformation

    Join our session to learn about and discuss the latest developments and approaches to benefit-sharing for renewable energy and beyond, including new schemes involving indigenous peoples. You’ll leave this interactive session with a better understanding of how benefit-sharing can be achieved and the ways in which impact assessment can support these efforts.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Blue economy, SEA and Marine Spatial Planning


    Session Proposal ID 169

    Lead Chair: Arthur  Neher |  CoChair:  Arend Kolhoff

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: G3. Biodiversity and ecology

    Marine spatial planning within jurisdictional boundaries, but increasingly outside, become subject to SEA safeguarding marine biodiversity. We invite people and organizations to share experiences that can be used in the development of SEA guidance for Marine and Coastal Spatial Planning asked for by the UN Treaty of the High Seas


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Brainstorming Best Practice IA Principles for extraterrestrial developments


    Session Proposal ID 204

    Lead Chair: Steve  Mustow

    Session Format: Workshop  |  Accepts Submissions: Closed

    Conference Topic: T1. The role of impact assessment in a Just Transformation

    IAIA is developing Best Practice Principles on IA of Extra-terrestrial Activities. These will set the benchmark for practice and support a Just Transformation as humanity becomes a multi-planetary species. The workshop will include presentations by a multi-national working group and a discussion to enhance the Principles.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Certification and Accreditation in SIA: Opportunities & Challenges


    Session Proposal ID 216

    Lead Chair: Mayumi Corazon  Pimentel |  CoChair:  Helen Fabrero Sy

    Session Format: Panel discussion  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: G13. Social impact assessment

    This session discusses the opportunities and challenges of certifying and accrediting SIA practitioners. Addressing standardized competencies, affordable training, and diverse SIA contexts will be explored, along with collaboration among stakeholders. The role of micro-credentials in meeting job market demands will also be examined.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Climate, Energy and Agriculture/Forestry linkages


    Session Proposal ID 164

    Lead Chair: Ijeoma   Vincent-Akpu

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: G2. Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries

    This session examines the existence of inter-sectoral linkages among key sectors like Climate, Energy and Agriculture/Forestry/Fisheries which could be stimulated and enhanced to achieve multiple beneficial social, environmental, economic and cultural goods and services for human kind.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Community Benefit Sharing Funds: Changemakers or appeasement?


    Session Proposal ID 130

    Lead Chair: Rebecca  Roebuck

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: G13. Social impact assessment

    This session will explore the use of Community Benefit Sharing Funds in energy and resource projects, with a focus on their effectiveness as mechanisms for facilitating social change. Learnings will be shared based on case studies from energy & resource projects in different geographic regions.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Community engagement and benefit-sharing contributions to a just transition


    Session Proposal ID 202

    Lead Chair: Orlando  San Martin

    Session Format: Panel discussion  |  Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only

    Conference Topic: T8. Decarbonizing the energy sector

    The session will present selected experiences of meaningful stakeholder engagement and benefit-sharing mechanisms which going beyond regulations can be considered as a good industry practice for the renewable energy sector and hopefully inspire and encourage industry actors, regulators, and relevant stakeholders.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Compliance/Enforcement for Transformative ESIA Project Impact Management


    Session Proposal ID 267

    Lead Chair: Bryony  Walmsley

    Session Format: Panel discussion  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T1. The role of impact assessment in a Just Transformation

    The session includes paper presentations and panel discussion for participant engagement structured to elaborate the 5 principles in IAIA’s recently published “Principles and Best Practices Principles and Best Practices for EsIA Compliance and Enforcement” and FasTip #25 with additional example lessons and best practices.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Connecting People and Planet: Respecting the environment and human rights


    Session Proposal ID 174

    Lead Chair: Caroline   Brodeur

    Session Format: Panel discussion  |  Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only

    Conference Topic: T10. Protecting and promoting the right to a safe, clean, and healthy environment

    The right to safe, clean and healthy environment was recently recognized as a human right. How do we ensure respect of this right and establish the interconnection with human rights? This session will explore the reality of assessing environmental and human rights impacts in the high-risk seafood industry.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Consideration of climate change in impact assessment of different countries


    Session Proposal ID 241

    Lead Chair: Ishara  Autar |  CoChair:  Bobbi Schijf

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: G4. Climate change

    In Session 1 we take a closer look at the impact of CC and climate action on people’s quality of life (health, indigenous practices and socioeconomic effects). Session 2 presents approaches to address CC in IA, including how to determine GHG emissions significance, offset credits, and carbon stock.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Consideration of wider health determinants in impact assessments


    Session Proposal ID 251

    Lead Chair: Shiu Fung  Hung

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T10. Protecting and promoting the right to a safe, clean, and healthy environment

    There have been growing concerns about the wider determinants of human health and well-being. How could Impact Assessment practices accommodate emerging health topics? Paper contributions were invited on the innovation and application of proportionate consideration of health impacts in impact assessments, including HIA and SEA.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Declaration on the Rights of People Affected by Development-Forced Displacement and Resettlement (DFDR)


    Session Proposal ID 181

    Lead Chair: Eddie  Smyth |  CoChair:  Susanna Price

    Session Format: Theme forum – Panel discussion  |  Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only

    Conference Topic: T4. A Just Transformation for Indigenous peoples and vulnerable communities

    This panel discussion session will discuss the launch of a Declaration on the Rights of People Affected by Development-Forced Displacement and Resettlement (DFDR) which has been developed by a multi-stakeholder group to strengthen the rights of over 10 million + people who are displaced by projects each year.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Decolonising SIA through the attitudes and beliefs of practitioners


    Session Proposal ID 287

    Lead Chair: Alex  Cisneros

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: G13. Social impact assessment

    This session will discuss the role of attitudes and beliefs in SIA practitioners in a two-fold effort to: 1) decolonise relational practices in SIA, and 2) create more equitable and culturally competent regulatory structures, both essential for a socially just and inclusive transformation.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Developing an IAIA agenda for SEA action toward a just transformation


    Session Proposal ID 131

    Lead Chair: Rob  Verheem

    Session Format: Theme forum – Workshop  |  Accepts Submissions: Closed

    Conference Topic: T1. The role of impact assessment in a Just Transformation

    In 2021 Barry Sadler and Rob Verheem started an initiative to take stock of 25 years of SEA experience. Tapping the wisdom of selected SEA experts and the wider IAIA community, this has resulted in a first draft IAIA SEA agenda for action. This draft will be discussed at IAIA24.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Disasters, Conflict and Impact Assessment: Experiences and Lessons


    Session Proposal ID 270

    Lead Chair: Charles   Kelly

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: G7. Disasters and conflict

    Disasters and conflicts continue to be major disruptors of development, and lives. This session will provide a venue to present experiences in assessing impacts during conflicts and crises and lessons which may have been learned.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Economic Impact Assessment


    Session Proposal ID 152

    Lead Chair: Ben  Cave

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: G13. Social impact assessment

    Economic Impact Assessment (EcIA) plays an important role in an overall impact assessment process. However, there are challenges as how to incorporate goals of economic development such as quality of life or sustainability in EcIA. A range of international case studies demonstrating how to address these challenges is provided.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Effective use of IA tools and partnerships to protect climate & biodiversity through Just Transition


    Session Proposal ID 214

    Lead Chair: Susan  Scott

    Session Format: Pecha Kucha  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T6. Protecting biodiversity: Enhancing baseline and monitoring mechanisms for nature-based solutions

    What kind of possibilities open-up when IA is used for promoting just transition? What role do partnerships have in this? The session will bring together examples from across the globe that highlight success stories, lessons learnt and will make recommendations for promoting stronger partnerships that make IAs more effective.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Emerging Practices in Indigenous-led Environmental Assessment


    Session Proposal ID 298

    Lead Chair: Rosanne   Van Schie |  CoChair:  Sara Mainville

    Session Format: Theme forum – Panel discussion  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T4. A Just Transformation for Indigenous peoples and vulnerable communities

    Join this session that explores case studies emphasizing Indigenous perspectives on advancing UNDRIP, Indigenous-led impact assessment (IIA), and regulatory support for transformative Indigenous processes. IIA and territorial jurisdiction stem from community connections to their land and laws. IIA revitalizes Indigenous law and jurisdiction, reinvigorating the power of an IA process.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Ensuring Just Transformation of Infrastructure Projects


    Session Proposal ID 304

    Lead Chair: Camille  Heaton

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T9. Innovative methods and decision-support tools for a Just Transformation

    This session explores strategies to more effectively translate impact assessment findings and recommendations into just transitions for more environmentally and socially sustainable infrastructure projects. Presentations will cover a range of measures that can be applied during infrastructure project visioning, planning, construction and operation phases.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Environmental management strategies and ethical professional practice for a Just Transformation


    Session Proposal ID 300

    Lead Chair: Alan  Chenoweth

    Session Format: Workshop  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: G14. General impact assessment

    Can IA strengthen environmental management strategies and ensure investments benefit Indigenous peoples & peasant communities, for a Just Transformation? Ethical professional practice is also critical: community trust in developer-funded IA requires commitment to integrity, truth and professional ethics as well to sustainability. IA practitioners must balance their often competing obligations.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Environmentally, Socially and Economically Just Carbon Neutrality


    Session Proposal ID 153

    Lead Chair: Yuan  Xu |  CoChair:  Shigeo Nishikizawa

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T8. Decarbonizing the energy sector

    Renewables are crucial in decarbonizing the energy sector and achieving carbon neutrality. This session examines IA frameworks and issues in the energy transition and the environmental, social, and economic impacts at local, regional, national, and global scales.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Equity, justice, and the energy transformation


    Session Proposal ID 295

    Lead Chair: Richard  Parsons |  CoChair:  Madeline Taylor

    Session Format: Panel discussion  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T1. The role of impact assessment in a Just Transformation

    This session invites contributions to discuss the concept and practice of equity in social impact assessment. SIA is commonly framed as a vehicle for addressing inequities and social vulnerabilities. How can we achieve equity and justice in the context of rapid industrial development such as the renewable energy transition?


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • ESG and Impact Assessment for Critical Minerals in a Just Transformation


    Session Proposal ID 281

    Lead Chair: Allie  Ommer

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T1. The role of impact assessment in a Just Transformation

    ESG and Impact Assessment contain critical tools for those funding, legislating and developing critical minerals projects. In this session we will use case studies to highlight challenges and lessons learned in linking ESG targets with Impact Assessment studies in global mining projects..


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Exploring the Limitations of SIA in Achieving Sustainable Development


    Session Proposal ID 215

    Lead Chair: Yaacob  Hassan |  CoChair:  Herlina Abdul Aziz

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T9. Innovative methods and decision-support tools for a Just Transformation

    This session aims to redefine challenges in the boundaries of social impact assessment (SIA) in development projects and reimagine its scope and coverage. Presenters will discuss emerging practices, methodologies, and tools, exploring the dynamic nature of social impacts.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Fair compensation for just transformation


    Session Proposal ID 141

    Lead Chair: Satoshi  Ishihara |  CoChair:  Ben Elder

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: G13. Social impact assessment

    The session addresses the challenge of involuntary resettlement of Indigenous communities, a critical risk to achieve Net Zero and Just Transition which needs construction of many alternative, renewable power generation and transmission capacity that often require large-scale displacement of vulnerable local communities.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Financing a Just Transition


    Session Proposal ID 182

    Lead Chair: Joana  Pedro |  CoChair:  , Ekaterina Chubarova

    Session Format: Panel discussion  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T2. The contribution of impact assessment to climate justice

    Ensuring a Just Transition is crucial for ambitious climate change mitigation and adaptation. Financial sector plays a major enabling role in insuring a Just Transition. This session will highlight how Impact Assessment methodologies and tools can support FIs on the achievement of a Just Transition that leave no one behind.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • From the top down: Are regional assessments the key to sustainability?


    Session Proposal ID 231

    Lead Chair: Cindy   Parker

    Session Format: Theme forum – Panel discussion  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T7. Sustainable development goals and the Just Transformation

    The session will discuss how regional assessments and associated policies contribute to improved efficiencies in project-specific impact assessments and how regional assessments can be used to inform future decisions on development proposals and long-term sustainability objectives at the regional and national level.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Gender in Impact Assessment: Work from Canada and Africa


    Session Proposal ID 250

    Lead Chair: Dawn  Hoogeveen

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: G13. Social impact assessment

    Gender and intersectionality are significant sites of inquiry in Impact Assessment that attend to overlapping identity factors like race, religion, age, and ableism. This session is on intersectional and gender Impact Assessment research and practice. Case studies and theoretically informed papers on work in Canada and Africa will be presented.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • General


    Session Proposal ID 308

    Lead Chair:  

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: please make a selection


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • How can nature-based approaches be promoted before impact assessment?


    Session Proposal ID 262

    Lead Chair: Tamara  Hochstrasser |  CoChair:  Elsie O'Gorman

    Session Format: World Café  |  Accepts Submissions: Closed

    Conference Topic: T6. Protecting biodiversity: Enhancing baseline and monitoring mechanisms for nature-based solutions

    This world café style session will discuss how the multiple benefits of nature-based approaches to development could better be compared to engineering solutions and incorporated in the planning phases of development and impact assessment process.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • How prepared is IA for next-generation renewable energy megaprojects?


    Session Proposal ID 196

    Lead Chair: Aaron  Goldschmidt

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T3. From Just Transition to Just Transformation

    IA can clearly play a role in helping advance the reduction of effects of global climate change through expedited and comprehensive evaluations of the next generation of emerging green energy projects and programs. Is IA prepared to identify and mitigate potential collateral social costs in evaluating current unknowns?


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • How to Conserve Biodiversity in Climate Change Mitigation Projects


    Session Proposal ID 192

    Lead Chair: George  Ledec

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T6. Protecting biodiversity: Enhancing baseline and monitoring mechanisms for nature-based solutions

    The world now faces both a climate change crisis and a biodiversity loss crisis. This session will examine how renewable energy, climate-smart agriculture, and other climate change mitigation projects can be located, designed, built, and operated in ways that conserve biodiversity, rather than harming it.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Human Rights Impact Assessment for a Just Transition


    Session Proposal ID 158

    Lead Chair: Gabriela  Factor |  CoChair:  Tulika Bansal

    Session Format: Caravan  |  Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only

    Conference Topic: T1. The role of impact assessment in a Just Transformation

    Human Rights Impact Assessment can help strengthen the JUST of the Transition. In this caravan session we will discuss different approaches to human rights assessments over the whole value chain of renewable energy and reflect on the human rights impacts, opportunities and challenges of the transition.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • IA and Due Diligence for sustainable transformation of large projects


    Session Proposal ID 162

    Lead Chair: Heikki  Kalle

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T1. The role of impact assessment in a Just Transformation

    This session aims to explore the role of IA in Due Diligence (an instrument for investment decisions and financing) and vice versa. We will discuss good practice examples and experiences on the topic DD and IA for sustainable transformation of large projects.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • IA for better policy-making: current trends and new methods


    Session Proposal ID 225

    Lead Chair: Zishu  Wang

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T9. Innovative methods and decision-support tools for a Just Transformation

    IA provides fundamental support for sustainable development during policy-making process. In the pursuit of better and more just policy-making, current IA methods should be further deepened and improved. This session focuses on IA for policy-making and aims to explore new methodological trends and practices amid emerging challenges.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • IAIA in 2050: Exploring Fit for Future (3F) Initiative Concepts


    Session Proposal ID 133

    Lead Chair: Weston  Fisher

    Session Format: Theme forum – Solution room  |  Accepts Submissions: Closed

    Conference Topic: S1. Special to IAIA

    Up to 6 draft concept and option papers on proposed Fit for Future initiative actions will be discussed by the Solutions Forum Chair and critiqued by attendees. Results will be used to inform the IAIA Board and help advance implementation of IAIA’s Strategic Plan objectives.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • IAIA Principles for Artificial Intelligence in Impact Assessment


    Session Proposal ID 189

    Lead Chair: Charlotte  Bingham

    Session Format: World Café  |  Accepts Submissions: Closed

    Conference Topic: G8. Emerging technologies

    Participate in a discussion of IAIA Principles for the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Impact Assessment (IA). These principles emerged from discussions of the Emerging Technologies Section at IAIA 23 in Kuching and have been revised in draft form for this Dublin meeting. Please use this exciting opportunity to contribute to a revised version of the Principles, which the Emerging Technologies section will present to the IAIA Board of Directors for their consideration, approval and publication.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • IAIA24 TEST #2


    Session Proposal ID 310

    Lead Chair: Jen  Howell

    Session Format: Debate  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T8. Decarbonizing the energy sector

    IAIA24 TEST #2


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Impact assessment and adaptive management for climate change


    Session Proposal ID 234

    Lead Chair: Guoqing  Shi |  CoChair:  Chen Chen

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T2. The contribution of impact assessment to climate justice

    Technologies and policies aiming to address climate change become a significant focus, while less attention has been given to its social and institutional implications. Thus, impact assessment and adaptive management should be adopted by various stakeholders to address social, economic, environmental, and institutional issues.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Impact Assessment Research and Teaching in Higher Education


    Session Proposal ID 145

    Lead Chair: Reece  Alberts

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: G1. Academia

    The Academia section of IAIA has started an initiative with the aim to establish how many individuals are involved in IA teaching and research in the higher education sector. We invite contributions that will provide relevant information on different countries. The initiative aims at resulting in a special issue of Impact Assessment


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Impact assessment: enabling or constraining sustainable energy transitions?


    Session Proposal ID 150

    Lead Chair: Bram  Noble

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T8. Decarbonizing the energy sector

    This session explores the nature and role of IA (project and/or strategic) in the global energy transition, offering debates and case studies on IA as an enabling or constraining instrument for energy transitions, and discussing opportunities for improved principles, processes, and practice.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Impact assessments and just energy transformation in Atlantic Canada


    Session Proposal ID 240

    Lead Chair: Ian  Stewart |  CoChair:  Leah Fusco

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only

    Conference Topic: T1. The role of impact assessment in a Just Transformation

    Coastal and marine resources offer abundant opportunities for energy transitions as we diversify energy sources and technological pathways. What role can impact assessments play in just and equitable energy transitions and societal transformations? This session reports on diverse experiences and lessons learned from Atlantic Canada


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Impacts and risks of lithium and rare earth elements supply chain


    Session Proposal ID 144

    Lead Chair: Simon  Catchpole

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T8. Decarbonizing the energy sector

    This session will examine the risks in supply chains of lithium and rare earth elements. These are a critical part of the decarbonization and for energy storage. What does it mean environmentally and socially, to be dependent on lithium and rare earth elements rather than on hydrocarbons?


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Indigenous perspectives on a just transformation


    Session Proposal ID 193

    Lead Chair: Diana   Lewis |  CoChair:  Dyanna Jolly

    Session Format: Theme forum – Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T4. A Just Transformation for Indigenous peoples and vulnerable communities

    Government, industry, and consultants seek guidance on engaging with Indigenous communities in IA. We invite contributions that share transformative/innovative engagement processes, case studies, examples that push boundaries, engage in ‘hearts and minds’ processes, and reflect a future that can lead to positive outcomes for all.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Innovative Data Sharing and Governance for a Just Transformation


    Session Proposal ID 232

    Lead Chair: Andy  Chung |  CoChair:  Clara U, Kin Che Lam

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T9. Innovative methods and decision-support tools for a Just Transformation

    For practitioners to showcase innovative data sharing and assessment tools, discuss the importance of data governance in achieving just transformation, and examine how data governance frameworks and emerging technologies can enhance the quality and transparency of environmental data, thereby informing evidence-based decision-making.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • It's a beautiful day for Social & Human Rights IA: EU too play a role


    Session Proposal ID 200

    Lead Chair: Ana Maria  Esteves |  CoChair:  Francesco Tricoli

    Session Format: Workshop  |  Accepts Submissions: Closed

    Conference Topic: G13. Social impact assessment

    Not famous Irish rock band karaoke. Don't miss out on this workshop and finding out what new EU legislation means for social and human rights practitioners globally. The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive is happening - with or without you.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Just Transition and Transformation of the Coast and Maritime


    Session Proposal ID 185

    Lead Chair: Louise  Davis |  CoChair:  Elspeth McIntyre

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T1. The role of impact assessment in a Just Transformation

    This session discusses the approach and learnings within different countries with regards to the rising challenges related to transition of marine and coastal economies and adaptation and mitigation to climate change.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Just transition informing impact assessment processes for energy transition


    Session Proposal ID 177

    Lead Chair: Vigya  Sharma |  CoChair:  Rauno Sairinen

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T4. A Just Transformation for Indigenous peoples and vulnerable communities

    This session will bring together papers that discuss the practice of impact assessment (IA) in the critical (or battery) minerals and renewable energy (RE) sector. It focuses on how IAs can be an effective tool to promote the principles of equity, social justice and fairness in these two industries.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Large infrastructures, just transition, and community health and safety


    Session Proposal ID 137

    Lead Chair: francesca  viliani |  CoChair:  Mark Divall

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T10. Protecting and promoting the right to a safe, clean, and healthy environment

    The session presents innovative approaches to proactively assess and manage community health and safety impacts associated with major projects and large infrastructures. The inclusion of health, by enhancing intersectoral approaches, will be fundamental to achieve the SDGs and tackling increasing health inequalities


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Linking Urban Health and SDGs through Impact Assessment


    Session Proposal ID 247

    Lead Chair: Emanuel  Valpacos

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T7. Sustainable development goals and the Just Transformation

    The session delves into the intersection of urban health and impact assessments, highlighting the essential role of IAs in enhancing urban health within the context of rapid urbanization. It will cover the universalization of sanitation, PM10 concentration across spatial and temporal scales, and the expansion of walking policies through impact assessment, illustrating how IAs contribute to creating healthier, equitable, and sustainable urban environments.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Making follow-up happen to transform IA practice


    Session Proposal ID 142

    Lead Chair: Jos  Arts |  CoChair:  Angus Morrison-Saunders

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T1. The role of impact assessment in a Just Transformation

    The aim of this paper session is to share and discuss good practices of IA follow-up worldwide. Participants are invited to discuss effective methods or approaches, and to reflect on making IA follow-up happen.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Marine Impact Assessments for Ecosystem-Based Maritime Spatial Planning


    Session Proposal ID 249

    Lead Chair: David  Reid

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T1. The role of impact assessment in a Just Transformation

    To ensure the sustainable delivery of ecosystem goods and services and safeguard our future, it is essential to minimize, mitigate and manage the full range of impacts affecting marine ecosystems. This session will discuss, examine and demonstrate impact assessment methods of relevance for the sustainable management of our oceans.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Meaningful Impact Assessments Through Indigenous Leadership


    Session Proposal ID 293

    Lead Chair: James  Herbert

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T9. Innovative methods and decision-support tools for a Just Transformation

    This session brings together stories of Indigenous leadership in assessment methods and the development of tools and processes that are meaningful for communities. Sharing these stories, this session creates the space for different way of knowing and understanding to be incorporated into more holistic and relevant assessments.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Meaningful public participation in Impact Assessment


    Session Proposal ID 223

    Lead Chair: Tanya  Burdett |  CoChair:  Timothy Peirson-Smith

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only

    Conference Topic: T3. From Just Transition to Just Transformation

    This session will provide insights into international best practice frameworks for meaningful public participation in IA. Presentations will focus on best practices for meaningful participation – skills, approaches, tools - and will provide an insight into global case studies as examples of meaningful participation.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Meet the editor


    Session Proposal ID 184

    Lead Chair: Urmila  Jha-Thakur

    Session Format: Workshop  |  Accepts Submissions: Closed

    Conference Topic: S1. Special to IAIA

    Are you considering writing an article or professional practice paper on impact assessment but aren’t sure where to start? The editor and managers of IAIA’s journal, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, will present ways to write a good article and get it published. Bring your questions and ideas for articles or issues.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Methods for handling complexity in Just Transformation


    Session Proposal ID 178

    Lead Chair: Charlotta  Faith-Ell |  CoChair:  Johanna S. Gordon

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T9. Innovative methods and decision-support tools for a Just Transformation

    The session aims to explore the application of various methods that cover the complex relationships between environmental, social, and economic challenges in IA of large projects. Good practice examples and experiences will be critically reflected upon and discussed.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Multi-dimensional cumulative effects assessment with Indigenous peoples


    Session Proposal ID 190

    Lead Chair: Erika  Bockstael |  CoChair:  Myrle Ballard

    Session Format: Panel discussion  |  Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only

    Conference Topic: T9. Innovative methods and decision-support tools for a Just Transformation

    Cumulative Effects Assessments (CEA) can inform a Just Transformation through the application of multiple knowledge systems to evaluate impacts at meaningful scales. This session presents a multi-community CEA with three First Nations in Canada, a web-based modelling platform, and Indigenous Science as a distinct knowledge system with a ‘cumulation of knowledge'.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Nature Positive outcomes through a Just Transformation


    Session Proposal ID 161

    Lead Chair: Amrei  von Hase |  CoChair:  Fabien Quétier

    Session Format: Panel discussion  |  Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only

    Conference Topic: T7. Sustainable development goals and the Just Transformation

    Supporting a just transformation by aligning economic development, improved livelihoods, biodiversity conservation, and climate goals is today’s defining challenge. We will share international experiences on how policy development and best practice founded on the mitigation hierarchy can contribute to a nature positive future.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • No Longer on Margins-Towards Social & Climate Justice in SWM Sector


    Session Proposal ID 257

    Lead Chair: Harjot  Kaur

    Session Format: Pecha Kucha  |  Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only

    Conference Topic: T3. From Just Transition to Just Transformation

    Through collation of marginalized voices from the sanitation sector, emerging from existing social dialogue and impact assessment tools as well as bringing insights from select promising practices, the aim is to spark new dimensions for delivering climate justice and social inclusion in the solid waste management sector.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Opportunities for int. development cooperation to go beyond 'do no significant harm'


    Session Proposal ID 138

    Lead Chair: Juan  Palerm |  CoChair:  Gunilla Ölund Wingqvist

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only

    Conference Topic: T9. Innovative methods and decision-support tools for a Just Transformation

    This session will address the opportunities for international development cooperation to contribute to a just and sustainable transformation.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Partnerships in Impact Assessment for a Just Transformation


    Session Proposal ID 292

    Lead Chair: Danielle  Smyth |  CoChair:  Meaghan Hoyle

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T4. A Just Transformation for Indigenous peoples and vulnerable communities

    This session explores transformative advances and innovative approaches to establishing and implementing partnerships in impact assessment to support a Just Transformation, including partnerships with Indigenous nations in context of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Pathways to biodiversity gain


    Session Proposal ID 311

    Lead Chair: Jo  Treweek

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: G3. Biodiversity and ecology

    We explore approaches to risk assessment and management for large projects, stress-test approaches to planning plan for biodiversity net gain and explore new techniques for monitoring and surveillance. These sessions will interest all key stakeholders with an interest in achieving good outcomes for biodiversity using evidence-based approaches.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Post-ESIA Contractor Management and Value Creation: What Drives Success?


    Session Proposal ID 290

    Lead Chair: Eleanor  Gill

    Session Format: Theme forum – Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T9. Innovative methods and decision-support tools for a Just Transformation

    Environmental and social mitigation and management measures identified during impact assessments are usually tied to projects, and handed over to contractors to implement. This session discusses innovative methods that drive success in post-ESIA implementation, including contractor management, inclusion planning, and value creation.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Practical cases on Cumulative Impact Assessment in the Global South


    Session Proposal ID 160

    Lead Chair: Juan Carlos  Paez |  CoChair:  Julio Rojas

    Session Format: Panel discussion  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: G14. General impact assessment

    Discussing practical cases (with focus on the Global South), a panel will analyze the overall state of the art of Cumulative Impact Assessments and their corresponding mitigation plans. The panel will also evaluate the appropriateness of available tools to perform such assessments.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Principles for Social Inclusion through Impact Assessment: Rapid Draft


    Session Proposal ID 176

    Lead Chair: Sara  Bice |  CoChair:  Emerson Sanchez

    Session Format: Workshop  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T1. The role of impact assessment in a Just Transformation

    Join your quick-thinking colleagues as we rapid draft Principles for Social Inclusion through Impact Assessment to support a fair and just transformation. This interactive workshop begins with two case studies to ground us in practice, then guides participants through a rapid solutions-focused drafting process to agree principles to support thriving communities. Count me in!


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Psycho-social impact assessment to help make transformation more just


    Session Proposal ID 238

    Lead Chair: Will  Rifkin |  CoChair:  Sergio Moreira

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T1. The role of impact assessment in a Just Transformation

    Psycho-social impact assessment (PSIA) helps navigate the complex environmental, social, economic and health effects of transformations necessitated by climate change, biodiversity loss and energy transitions. This session explores how PSIA can promote not only community resilience and adaptive capacity but social justice.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Reflecting Indigenous knowledge for a Just Transformation in impact assessment


    Session Proposal ID 172

    Lead Chair: Valerie   Masterman

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T4. A Just Transformation for Indigenous peoples and vulnerable communities

    Reflecting Indigenous peoples' worldviews in impact assessment offers an opportunity to accelerate social justice and equality. This session presents examples of Indigenous-led impact assessments and approaches to reflect Indigenous worldviews to support a just transformation for Indigenous peoples and vulnerable communities.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Regional cumulative effects assessment to support a Just Transformation


    Session Proposal ID 222

    Lead Chair: Jenny  Pope

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T9. Innovative methods and decision-support tools for a Just Transformation

    Many aspects of Just Transformation are experienced, and therefore most appropriately managed, at a regional scale. Regional cumulative effects assessment can be a valuable tool to protect and enhance biodiversity, inform planning for a more sustainable future, and protect the rights of Indigenous and other vulnerable groups.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Relevance of Indigenous Knowledge and Perspectives for Just Transformation


    Session Proposal ID 187

    Lead Chair: Johanne  Hanko

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T4. A Just Transformation for Indigenous peoples and vulnerable communities

    This session proposes to present cases and strategies for improving indigenous involvement to the preparation of EIA, including their contribution on baseline, impact identification and environmental management plans, with the aim to strengthen their participation in decision- making processes regarding their territories


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Remember the intangibles and spiritual values for a just transition


    Session Proposal ID 291

    Lead Chair: Ahmed  Sanda

    Session Format: Workshop  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T4. A Just Transformation for Indigenous peoples and vulnerable communities

    We invite IAIA members to discuss how to integrate intangible and spiritual values in impact assessment. We aim at developing a framework to integrate intangible and spiritual values to strengthening Impact Assessment as tool for achieving a just transition.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Rethinking Climate Change: IA for a Resilient and Just Transformation


    Session Proposal ID 197

    Lead Chair: Palash  Sanyal |  CoChair:  Stacey Fineran

    Session Format: Theme forum – World Café  |  Accepts Submissions: Closed

    Conference Topic: G4. Climate change

    This world café will use the IAIA Climate Change Action Plan and latest Status Report to evaluate past accomplishments, propose next steps, and explore the role of IA processes in the context of the nine planetary boundaries. It aims to foster dialogue on future partnerships, reporting standards, and resilient transformations.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Strategic Environmental Assessment for a Just Transformation


    Session Proposal ID 159

    Lead Chair: Thomas  Fischer |  CoChair:  Ainhoa González Del Campo

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T1. The role of impact assessment in a Just Transformation

    Contributions are invited on the application of Strategic Environmental (and Social and Health) Assessment (SEA) of and in strategies, policies, plans and programmes that support a just transformation.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Strategic environmental assessment in mining for a just transformation


    Session Proposal ID 140

    Lead Chair: Greg   Radford |  CoChair:  Joyce Kortlandt

    Session Format: Theme forum – Panel discussion  |  Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only

    Conference Topic: T1. The role of impact assessment in a Just Transformation

    This session discusses the relevance of strategic environmental assessment in the mining sector. The goal of the session is to generate ideas on enhancing the use of SEA in mining for a just transformation. A panel will discuss impacts, obstacles and ways to overcome them in SEA for mining.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Streamlining Environmental Assessments to Enable Transformation


    Session Proposal ID 211

    Lead Chair: Celesa  Horvath

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T1. The role of impact assessment in a Just Transformation

    Explores approaches and experiences in streamlining project Environmental Assessment, with a focus on enabling and expediting the energy transition.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Supporting the transition towards a holistic assessment of cultural rights


    Session Proposal ID 135

    Lead Chair: Angel  Ransom |  CoChair:  Jesse McCormick

    Session Format: Panel discussion  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T4. A Just Transformation for Indigenous peoples and vulnerable communities

    This facilitated panel discussion explores innovative tools and practices for assessing project-specific and cumulative effects on Indigenous cultural rights, and restitution mechanisms for residual impacts to culture. The session will introduce the FNMPC Cultural Rights and Interests Toolkit and highlight best practices.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Sustainable Finance and Impact Assessment in the EU


    Session Proposal ID 136

    Lead Chair: Adina  Relicovschi

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: G9. Governance and implementation systems

    The session will discuss the key role the EIA plays in providing the information required to be further used in determining the environmental sustainability of a given economic activity under the EU Taxonomy, particularly in determining SC, DNSH and meeting minimum social safeguards.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Sustainable Finance and Impact Assessment linkages at a Global scale


    Session Proposal ID 186

    Lead Chair: Jiri  Dusik

    Session Format: World Café  |  Accepts Submissions: Closed

    Conference Topic: G9. Governance and implementation systems

    Thai World Café session will discuss the potential linkages between the emerging taxonomies of sustainable economic activities at the global scale on the application of social and environmental standards used internationally by the key development partners. What are the most relevant standards that should be adopted for each sustainability criteria?


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Synergies of impact assessment and circular economy


    Session Proposal ID 132

    Lead Chair: Ralf  Aschemann

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T9. Innovative methods and decision-support tools for a Just Transformation

    This session will explore potential synergies between the fields of impact assessment and circular economy (CE). For instance, EIAs and SEAs can be used to analyze the impact of CE related strategies and vice versa, CE strategies - such as slowing, narrowing or closing resource flows - can be an idea generator for EIAs and SEAs.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • The Citxw Nlaka’pamux Assembly: EA Strategy


    Session Proposal ID 313

    Lead Chair:  

    Session Format:   |  Accepts Submissions: 

    Conference Topic: 


    Acceptance Status: pending


  • The future of the IA Profession: Transition or Transformation?


    Session Proposal ID 183

    Lead Chair: Rufus  Howard

    Session Format: Theme forum – Workshop  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T1. The role of impact assessment in a Just Transformation

    Technological advances and rapid social change are resulting in transition and transformation for the IA profession. In this workshop experts and academics will reflect on the state of the IA community of practice and invite participants to take part in debates on the future of the IA profession.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • The power of communication!


    Session Proposal ID 303

    Lead Chair: Patrícia  Rodrigues

    Session Format: Solution room  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: G14. General impact assessment

    Efficient communication can be a big challenge. In this session, we aim to attract presenters who are eager to share diverse communication strategies within the scope of Impact Assessment. Join us to inspire and be inspired!


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • The role of EIA practitioners in a just transformation


    Session Proposal ID 221

    Lead Chair: Julio  Jesus

    Session Format: Panel discussion  |  Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only

    Conference Topic: T1. The role of impact assessment in a Just Transformation

    This session aims to discuss the role of EIA practitioners and the conflicts between being a "neutral" assessor of the impacts of a project and having a collaborative attitude towards the project, improving its sustainability.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • The Role of Governments in a Just Transformation


    Session Proposal ID 280

    Lead Chair: Lindsay  Luke

    Session Format: Panel discussion  |  Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only

    Conference Topic: T3. From Just Transition to Just Transformation

    There are many thoughts on what the role of government should be in a just transformation. This session provides an opportunity to hear from practitioners with direct experience in First Nation, provincial, and federal governments about governments' role in a just transition and some of the challenges, risks, and opportunities.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • The role of Impact Assessment in protecting and enhancing heritage


    Session Proposal ID 179

    Lead Chair: Urmila   Jha-Thakur |  CoChair:  N.A N.A

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: G6. Cultural heritage

    The session is inviting papers that look at theory and/or practice of consideration of Heritage within Impact Assessment (IA) from the developed and the developing world. This can take the form of Heritage Impact Assessment or the extent to which Heritage as a topic is incorporated within an IA process.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • The SEA Directive in EU, 20 Years on, implementation and effectiveness.


    Session Proposal ID 180

    Lead Chair: Tadhg  O'Mahony |  CoChair:  Suzanne Wylde

    Session Format: Theme forum – Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T1. The role of impact assessment in a Just Transformation

    This session will explore 20 years of implementation of the SEA Directive in the EU with the aim of promoting sharing of experiences on SEA implementation and SEA effectiveness. The session outcomes will be compiled in a set of recommendations to continue advancing SEA effectiveness.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Towards a Just Transformation – Insights and lessons for impact assessment


    Session Proposal ID 146

    Lead Chair: Jack  Krohn

    Session Format: Theme forum – Panel discussion  |  Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only

    Conference Topic: T1. The role of impact assessment in a Just Transformation

    In a Hypothetical format, a fictional state called Just will explore the practical challenges of transformation. What can impact assessment and its practitioners offer to enhance the process of transformation for Just? Join its citizens in this interactive session, and take its lessons into the rest of your IAIA24 experience.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Towards a Just Transition for Biodiversity Offsets


    Session Proposal ID 258

    Lead Chair: Greg  Sharam |  CoChair:  Jessica Lowey

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T7. Sustainable development goals and the Just Transformation

    The Global Biodiversity Framework from COP15 and corporate no net loss objectives are leading to increased use of biodiversity offsets. A Just Transition of offsetting must consider affected people in the planning and implementation of offsets while the GBF requires reporting of effectiveness of offsets.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Transforming the Future of NEPA: Recent U.S. Congressional Action


    Session Proposal ID 299

    Lead Chair: Michael  Smith

    Session Format: Panel discussion  |  Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only

    Conference Topic: T1. The role of impact assessment in a Just Transformation

    • This session provides a summary of the first major amendments ever made in over 50 years to the United States National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) with the signing of the Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA) in 2023, and will discuss whether these changes will transform impact assessment practice in the U.S.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Transitioning to Net Gain: Effectively achieving and measuring biodiversity


    Session Proposal ID 246

    Lead Chair: Corin  Simmonds |  CoChair:  Nicola Faulks

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: G3. Biodiversity and ecology

    As biodiversity enhancement both through net gain and nature positive mechanisms becomes the accepted approach, we consider how practitioners can achieve this ambitious target. Alignment is required between financers developing corporate disclosure and monitoring approaches and developers working to mitigate adverse impacts.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Underwater Cultural Heritage: Developing Approaches and Improving Data


    Session Proposal ID 276

    Lead Chair: Amanda  Evans

    Session Format: Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only

    Conference Topic: G6. Cultural heritage

    During this session, experienced underwater heritage practitioners will present a series of papers detailing the improvements in technologies, the knowledge that has been gained, and the applications to projects. The session will be of value to impact assessment professionals that participate in offshore development and extractive i


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • Using Social Impact Assessments as a Policy Tool to Guide Just Transition


    Session Proposal ID 217

    Lead Chair: Neelanjana  Gupta

    Session Format: Panel discussion  |  Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only

    Conference Topic: T1. The role of impact assessment in a Just Transformation

    The just transition agenda in India is complex because of high informality and coal dependence. This session presents findings from an assessment of the potential impacts of coal transition in Jharkhand, India, while panelists discuss how such assessments can be used to create just transition plans for developing economies.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • What have you done for me lately? Effectiveness in Health Impact Assessment


    Session Proposal ID 143

    Lead Chair: Ben  Cave

    Session Format: World Café  |  Accepts Submissions: Closed

    Conference Topic: T10. Protecting and promoting the right to a safe, clean, and healthy environment

    How can HIA and health in EA be more effective? How can it effect change? What is its role in the Just Transformation? This World Café will meet the challenge, identified at the ASEAN workshop in IAIA23, to develop new tools and skills to deliver the right to a healthy, sustainable and clean environment.


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • What is the role of social and environmental practitioners to provide guidance to boards?


    Session Proposal ID 228

    Lead Chair: Liz  Wall |  CoChair:  Paul Hollesen

    Session Format: Workshop  |  Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only

    Conference Topic: G9. Governance and implementation systems

    A world café workshop format to discuss the questions: “Do S&E practitioners understand the role of a director to ensure our messaging is “on target” with this audience”? “What is the role of practitioners to provide guidance to boards”? “How can practitioners make their voices heard in corporate governance structures”?


    Acceptance Status: approve


  • What role does IA play in a responsible exit from the fossil fuel sector?


    Session Proposal ID 129

    Lead Chair: Janet  Blackadar

    Session Format: Theme forum – Paper session  |  Accepts Submissions: Open

    Conference Topic: T8. Decarbonizing the energy sector

    As we move to decarbonize the energy sector to address global climate change we must ensure that proponents are able to achieve a responsible exit from the sector, while at the same time balancing the long term requirements for closure and monitoring of facilities and the concomitant social impacts of their exit.


    Acceptance Status: approve